Sunday, June 26, 2011

How does your garden grow

Answer? Pretty darn okay! I sometimes get over excited and pluck tomatoes too early, but here are some that ripened on my windowsill and tasted amazing.

I need to go get something for my cucumbers to climb on because they are currently reaching for anything they can, which often means choking my basil and cilantro. The thyme and rosemary are flourishing. My mine started off strong and has been suffering the past couple of days, so I trimmed back some of the branches and see if that'll help it. The other night the roommate and I made dinner that consisted of stirfry vegetables, vegan taco meat, and English chips she deep fried. I used some cilantro from my garden for the squash/zucchini/onion/pepper combo and it was pretty awesome.
Other than that, life I am working full time at the store. I just finished my first grad level class and although it just about killed me, I'm done for the summer. Up next, the praxis! For now though, I'm just focusing on having fun which I am. And getting back into running/being more active for summer. I'm 10lbs shy of a healthy bmi reading and losing 100lbs and I'd like to hit that by the end of August which I feel like I can do. We'll see. I totally won't get there eating deep fried chips/vegan taco meat, but splurging every now and again is okay.