Monday, April 2, 2012

April Goals

So since I was so successful in March goals (ha!), I decided to have more attainable, smart goals for April. I feel like when I am trying to implement changes in my life, doing them in one month increments allows me the chance to try it out, see if it works for me and keep the chance at the end of the month. So here we go:

1. Track inches and lose 5lbs.
I lost 7lbs last month which surprised me. I know that to really see weight loss you need to track inches too, so tomorrow I'm going to measure then see if I have any difference at the end of the month. And losing 5lbs will really only be 1.25lbs a week, so let's see if I can make that happen. Summer is quickly approaching, can't wear jeans and hoodies all season long.

2. Carb cutting
I track what I eat on myfitnesspal. I've noticed a higher intake of sugar and carbs (I think I eat too much high sugar fruit) so I want to cut that. I also know from previous dieting that my body does not digest simple carbs and sugars well, so reducing them will be good for me. I'd like to start off keeping my carb count under 100grams and work my way down from there. By the end of the month I should be hoovering around 50-75, which will mean an increase in dark greens and complex carbs, and really eliminating white flour and sugar. Stuffs not good for you anyway.

3. Continue working out 4-5 times a week.
I've been keeping at this workout level through March so I don't see if changing.

4. Eating out only once a week and only one frivolous purchase per paycheck.
I spend money as quickly as I earn it so I need to cut back. I buy enough food that I can easily prepare lunch and bring it in, so I'm going to work on this. Typically Sarah and I hit up Great Sage once a week, so I will allow for that. And one fun spending, this paycheck it was my haircut. Gotta be smart!

So there we go, April goals. I think very doable =)

1 comment:

  1. Woo! Great Sage! Goals look really good! Nothing like having a list to help ya stick to a goal! You can do it!
