Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I bought my bridesmaid dress for my friend's wedding in May. I lucked out because the size/color requested was on the rack, so no need to order it but...

it's just a tad tight.

And by a tad I mean it's really tight.

The dress is three sizes smaller than what I tried on back in September, so I feel encouraged about it, but it definitely means I need to be on my game with my eating/exercising. I estimate that ten pounds and the dress will fit beautifully, and given that I have 11 weeks until the wedding, I think I can manage that. Either that, or I will have to resort to a week of lemonade and laxative diet cleanse.



Perhaps I'll just have a spanx waiting as a backup.

Cooking wise has been slow. Dinners and lunch tend to be whatever vegetables I have in the freezer/fridge all sauted together, and breakfast is a smoothie or oatmeal. For lunch today, because I was off and studying, I made some quinoa and paired it with the Mexican pumpkin stew I had in the freezer. I forgot how much I loved quinoa.

For now I must get back to studying. Two exams tomorrow and my mouse is taking the opportunity to funk out, so a Target trip in the very near future might be in the cards. I start work at a small organic market for reals on Friday, so hopefully I'll get some inspiration as I use my discount to shop for dinner. Or at the very least I'll have inspiration for more blog posts, please is awesome nuts, I'm excited =)


  1. Three sizes smaller!? CONGRATS! Keep on keeping on!! Curious about pics of you to see the change... :-D Maybe?

    Quinoa rox my world. I did your Chili stuff the other week and it was super awesome! I forgot to get veggies to add in, so it was a little bare, and I did use chicken broth, but other than that used what you provided! Nummy!!

  2. I'll post some before pictures and my current status. I still have a ways to go but meh. I'll have to wait until I get to my parents' computer as I mastered the "suck in your face fat and only show from the neck up" pose before, haha.

    I'm glad you liked you it!! I'm going to try your curry chickpea recipe that you mentioned this week.

  3. Enjoyed the blog post. It's been a long time! I love that stuff you made with quinoa, it was so good! Remember when I thought it was millet? ha ha Good times in the kitchen when you lived here. Always loved your recipes. You should do a cookbook for Vegans.
