Sunday, December 5, 2010

Quinoa: A Love Story

So I'm really bad at blogging. Like, really really bad at it. My mom blogs on a regular basis and her entries are always so entertaining. I feel like when I blog it starts to turn boring and a "here's another recipe" sort of thing.

Anyways, I'm still vegan, so my recipes will still be of that nature. I love it so much and it was so easy, I can't believe it took me this long to get here. I started at the end of August, really just to see if I could last a month, and I can't believe the transformation you go through. I now exercise 4-5 times a week because I have so much energy, I'm down 45lbs and 2.5 dress sizes, and I can't describe the way my body feels. I still have a ways to go, but goal weight doesn't feel like such an impossible task anymore. I feel like I know my body better, that I think more clearly, and I'm not this miserable blob. I don't drink soda but once in a blue moon because it doesn't make my body feel good, which is so weird to me. My diet has switched from mostly processed to mostly fresh and whole, plus cooking is a lot of fun. My mom has been so much fun to cook for because she's not only honest, she's open to trying anything I make, and some of the stuff really impresses her. My dad is even opening up about trying some of my dishes (as long as they aren't too loaded with carbs =P)

Okay, off my "vegan is amazing and everyone should do this!" platform and moving on...

When I cooked this recipe last night, I knew I had to blog about it. A blog I read,, is becoming one of my favorites and her husband is a combination of vegan and raw, so she in turn is at the very least vegetarian. When I came across this black bean and tomato quinoa recipe, I had to try it.

There's a small natural food store in Waldorf that sells different grains and whatnot, but their items and hours are very limited, so I usually do a Whole Foods trip on Tuesday when I'm at work since one is fairly close (and a pretty walk). I got my quinoa from the bulk bin and it looked nothing like it does when it's cooked. I also had no idea how to cook it. I read that I had to wash it well plus my coworker reminded me about the importance of washing it, so when I looked up why, I found out that a coating covers the quinoa and can make the dish bitter.

So last night I mustered up the courage, bathed my quinoa twice and made this dish. It. Was. Amazing. It reminded me of rice a little, but it wasn't heavy and it kept me satisfied for a while. Plus, 1 cup of uncooked quinoa swells to 4 cups cooked, so in my opinion it's a pretty awesome deal (and 1c cooked is 4 ww points, which is a very filling meal with vegetables to me). I also paired it with avocado and Tofutti sour cream that tastes so much like regular sour cream to me, that I probably shouldn't have purchased it. I tweaked her recipe a little to fit what I had on hand and I apologize for the grainy picture, my camera phone isn't the greatest. I will be making this again today because I have left over ingredients and this will make lovely meals throughout the week.

Black Bean and Tomato Quinoa

2 teaspoons grated lime zest
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (really it was the zest and juice of two small limes)
3 tbs Olive Oil
1 teaspoon sugar (used Truvia)
1 cup quinoa
1 (14- to 15-ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
2 medium tomatoes, diced
3-4 green onions, chopped (white and green parts)
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Wash quinoa in 2 changes of cold water. If you don't have a sieve like me, wash your quinoa in a pot and empty out the water as much as you can without loosing the quinoa. Then line your strainer with paper towels and dump the quinoa in that. A little more work but it's easy still. Put quinoa in a pot with 2 cups of water; bring to boil. Then turn the fire down low to a simmer & cover to steam. Cook for 20 minutes (or until it’s reached its desired softness and no liquid is left).

Meanwhile, whisk together lime zest & juice, oil, & sugar in a large bowl.

Add dressing to quinoa & toss until dressing is absorbed. Stir in black beans, tomatoes, green onion, & cilantro. Mix well, salt and pepper. You can add avocado and sour cream and eat it as is, or serve it with tortilla chips.

Vegan sour cream?! So excited about this.

Tonight I think I'm going to make some pumpkin bread, which will at the very least warm up the house. So cold today!


  1. That looks amazing! A coworker of mine was singing the praises of Quinoa just the other day. Maybe I will try it. While I still eat animals and their products, I try hard to not eat too much that is hardxxore processed. Congrats on the weight loss! That is amazing!!!!! You mentioned WW points. Are you going that route? I saw they just unveiled a new plan that seems awesome. I was considering jumping in for a few months just to see how it goes.

    PS I think your blogs are very good and am happy to see your entries when you do! :-)

    PPS Post a pic on something of your new sassy skinny self!

  2. Yeah, I did WW for so long that it's easier for me to think in WW points instead of calories. I saw that they were revamping it so that fruits and whatnot are now zero to keep people away from the 100 cal snack packs. I think that's pretty cool.

    Ha! I'm sorta sassy but not skinny! I love reading your stuff, you're the only blog that I know of that posts nutritional information, which is really helpful!
